Iranian raisins

Raisins are one of the most popular products that are used as a delicious substance all over the world. Raisins have amazing benefits and properties that have made so many people around the world look to buy that as a delicious ingredient or as a nut for cooking food, cakes, and cookies. In this article, we want to talk to you about Iranian raisins and tell you what Iranian raisins are and what are their characteristics.

Note that Iran is one of the largest producers of raisins in the world, which uses modern and traditional methods to produce raisins. This country’s raisin products are very diverse and Iran has exports of Iranian raisin to all over the world. In this article, we want to talk to you completely about the characteristics and different types of Iranian raisins. Note that Iran exports raisins to about eighty countries around the world, which shows the popularity of this country’s raisins around the world.

Note that many countries around the world produce raisins, but Iranian raisins have many unique and positive characteristics due to the good climate of this country and have many benefits for the body. In addition, the appearance of these raisins is very eye-catching, which is why the Iranian raisin export market is hot in the world. A large percentage of people around the world are looking to use this amazing Iranian product.


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In what areas, the best Iranian raisins are produced?

In general, many cities and regions of Iran produce raisins, but if we want to name special gardens and famous raisin production centers in Iran, we can refer to Kashmar and Takestan. Note that cities with temperate climates for grape growing have very high raisin production and these raisins are exported all over the world. Note that not all cultivars of Iranian raisins produced are suitable for export and therefore only high-quality varieties of these raisins are used for export because these export raisins must have excellent taste and quality.

Of course, raisins of lower quality can also be used as exports, but in the field of exporting to neighboring countries. In addition to Kashmar and Takestan, the city of Malayer also has suitable and popular raisins and many people are looking to buy the best kind of raisins from this city. Producers operating in this city have high-quality products and do their best to use new methods to produce Iranian raisins to keep their customers around the world and provide them with the products they need so that they can be satisfied.


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Amazing features of Iranian raisins

Note that Iranian raisins have unique properties that have made them famous and popular all over the world. In general, Iranian raisins are classified into various categories such as seedless raisins, green raisins, seeded raisins, and various other types of raisins. Note that the physical and chemical properties of this type of raisins have led to various categories for Iranian raisin products, all of which can help you to buy these Iranian raisins with more information. Note that some raisins produced in this country are used for cooking and use in various types of garnishes, and other types can be consumed as an independent food.

It also has quality raisins that you can use to make your pastries and cakes. Iran is doing its best to satisfy the world’s need for this product by producing different types of high-quality Iranian raisins. From the distant past until now, Iranians have been producing raisins and today they are experts in producing this quality product and all of them know this. They can satisfy all the needs of society and the world community. It is not far from the mind why Iranian raisins have their fans all over the world.

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Introducing different types of Iranian raisins

Note that, as I mentioned earlier, Iranian raisins have different types, each of which has its fans around the world. Of course, some of these raisins are used in Iran itself, but If the quality varieties produced in this country have the necessary quality for export, the producers will try to make big profits by exporting these types of raisins. However, if you want to know more about the different types of Iranian raisins and know their types, we suggest you read this paragraph to the end because we will talk more about this in the following.

Golden raisins

A high-quality and popular type of Iranian raisins is golden raisins, which are grown in sunny vineyards in Bonab. Note that those raisins are prepared using sulfur smoke and are placed in a room and turn amber and golden by burning sulfur. This type of raisin has a very sweet taste and the most suitable type of raisin for export is these raisins. Note that after the raisins are brought down in this way, they are washed and vegetable oil is added to them, which makes the Iranian raisins more quality and delicious.


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Sun-dried raisins

Another different type of Iranian raisins is known as sun-dried raisins, which indicates the name of this raisin. This type of different types of Iranian raisins is dried traditionally by sunlight. Note that after picking and selecting quality clusters to produce these raisins, they are spread on a clean place in the sun and producers do not use any chemicals to produce and dry them.

These raisins take three weeks to three months to dry completely, and this time varies depending on the weather conditions and the type of grapes. Because no chemicals are mixed between the raisins, these types of Iranian raisins are high in sugar and, in addition, have an excellent and special taste. Note that the use of various chemicals to produce raisins can cause the raisins to taste less good or reduce their taste percentage, but in this method, due to not using any chemical, most of the suitable nutrients and nutrients as well as the taste.
These raisins do not look so good and are not as beautiful as golden raisins, but they are tastier and have a lot of nutrients. Note that these raisins, after being completely dry, are washed just like golden raisins, so that any soils, pieces of wood, and small leaves left in them are removed and a good raisin is obtained.

Green raisins

Another different type of Iranian raisins is known as Kashmiri raisins or green raisins. Note that the difference between this type of raisin and other raisins is in the type of seed and the type of grape. Note that this raisin is made from seedless grape varieties that have long seeds. This type of raisin has a smooth and special taste and has a longer shape than other raisins. Note that these raisins are produced both through dry shade and through sulfur fumes, and producers can use different types of drying methods to produce this type of raisin, depending on their taste and market needs.

If these raisins are dried with sulfur smoke, their color will turn amber yellow, and if the producers spread them in front of the sun to dry this type of raisins, their color will be brown. Note that the sweetness of this type of raisins is usually less than other types of raisins, so people who do not like the very sweet taste of raisins can use this type of Iranian raisins because the sweetness of this type of raisins is less than other raisins. These types of raisins are also washed after complete drying to remove various types of soil and fine particles left in them.


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In general, for the production of different types of Iranian raisins, all the steps of washing and packaging are observed with complete hygiene and in a proper way so that a quality product reaches the customer and people can easily prepare and use the products they need without any problems and worries.


In this article, we have tried to talk to you completely about Iranian raisins and to have comprehensive and complete information in this regard for you. We hope you find this article interesting. Note that in general, Iran is one of those countries that is famous for producing different types of raisins. This country has a very good capacity to produce grapes, which has led to the production of various types of high-quality grape products in this country.

Note that in addition to being delicious and useful, raisins can have many benefits for our body and can prevent various diseases of forgetfulness and infection, and can have great effects on our digestion. However, if you are one of those people who care about your health, you can use the right amount of this delicious fruit throughout the day to satisfy all the needs of your body for nutrients and easily and without any problems, enjoy having a healthy body. Note that edible fruit has a very reasonable price due to its benefits and relative to the positive points it has for our body, and you can easily use different types of Iranian raisins without any problems and pay very low costs to easily help your body health and enjoy health as much as you can.


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